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  • 5V50mA Battery Tester 5V50mA Battery Tester for Coin Cell Button Battery testing

    SPECIFICATIONS: 1 TMAX-5V50mA Battery Test Equipment is an eight-channel battery analyzer to analyze small coin cells with a range current 0-50mah, voltage 0-5v. Each channel of the analyzer has independent constant-current and constant-voltage source, which can be programmed and controlled by computer software.  2 This coin cell tester system provides most applications in battery testing fields such as electrode materials research, battery performance test, small scale battery formation, capability grading, battery pack testing, etc.  3 The coin cell tester is suitable for all kinds of coin cell battery such as lithium battery, NI-MH battery, Zn-Mn  watch battery and so on.

  • Internal resistance teste Lithium Ion Battery Voltage Internal Resistance Tester With High Precision and Stability

    Lithium Ion Battery Voltage Internal Resistance Tester With High Precision and Stability

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