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  • Lithium Titanate Oxide Lithium Titanate Oxide LTO Powder

    At present, it is mainly used in energy storage battery, EV battery, special power supply, super capacitor and so on. 1. Advantage: High safety, long service life, high power. 2. Shortcoming: Low energy density. 3. Application: Anode materials for lithium ion batteries.

  • Lithium Titanate Oxide Lithium Titanate Oxide LTO Powder For Li-ion Battery Anode Materials

    Specification LTO/ Lithium titanate/Lithium Titanium Oxide/ LiTiO / Li4Ti5O12(Carbon coating is black powder, no carbon coating is white powder). At present, it is mainly used in energy storage battery, EV battery, special power supply, super capacitor and so on.   1. Advantage: High safety, long service life, high power. 2. Shortcoming: Low energy density. 3. Application: Anode materials for lithium ion batteries.

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